Remote2IT ScreenConnect
Welcome to Remote2IT ScreenConnect installation page.
When the download yellow bar appears, click RUN.
(If you use Chrome, double-click on the bottom left button to run.)
(If you use Firefox, click on the downloads arrow at the upper-right, and
double-click the application to run.)
If the install does not load, or you use mac OS X, click on one of the links below to run.
(Computer Necessities)
ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.exe (CN download)
ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.msi (CN download) (CN download)
ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.pkg (CN download)
.NET 2.0 SP2 (Required for Windows)
NetFx20SP2_x86.exe (CN download)
NetFx20SP2_x64.exe (CN download)