Windows - Module I
Windows, Module I presents the overall concepts of Windows.
Students will work with the desktop, My Computer, Windows Explorer, work
with folders, files, shortcuts, menus and dialog boxes. Students will be
introduced to all essential aspects of Windows to be productive in
everyday usage, plus tips to enhance their computer skills. Recommended
as a prerequisite for all other classes.
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Windows - Module II
Windows, Module II presents the advanced
configuration of Windows. Students will manipulate and customize
their Active Desktop, Control Panel and Folder Options. Installation of
printers and various applications, and as a bonus, how to overcome
common problems, such as fatal errors, blue screens, etc. Students will
be prescreened and invited to attend this advanced class.
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Internet, Email, Outlook, Browsers
Internet, Email, Outlook Express
is the class everyone has been waiting for to cover how to get connected
to the Internet! How Internet Explorer integrates into Windows to
browse the World Wide Web, useful web sites, setting up, sending and
receiving email, using Outlook webmail or Gmail.
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Excel - Module I
Excel, Module I explores the
essential concepts of Excel. Students will learn to create and
maneuver within worksheets, format and print, create basic formulas and
functions, work with multiple worksheets to save valuable time, and
enhance worksheets to have a professional appearance. Excel -
Module II will continue coverage of this powerful comprehensive program.
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Excel - Module II
Excel, Module II continues exploring
the essential concepts of Excel. Students will learn to make plain
data easier to read with autoformat, create charts to visually draw
attention to important data, use names to identify data, learn useful
advanced 3-D formulas, functions and formats, and control
recalculations. An excellent overview of Excel is covered in Module
I and II together.
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Excel - Database Management and Analysis
Excel, Database Management and Analysis continues exploring
the essential concepts of Excel. Students will learn to make plain
data easier to read with autoformat, create charts to visually draw
attention to important data, use names to identify data, learn useful
advanced 3-D formulas, functions and formats, and control
recalculations. An excellent overview of Excel is covered in Module
I and II together.
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Word - Module I
Word, Module I
explores the essential concepts of Word. Students will learn to
format a proper letter, change the appearance of text, paragraphs, and
page layout. How to save a file in the location you want with a
password. Exposure to every button on the Standard and Formatting
Toolbar will be discussed. Word - Module II will continue coverage
of the most popular word processing program available today.
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Word - Module II
Word, Module II
continues exploring the essential concepts of Word. Students will
learn to insert data from other applications, like text, pictures, and
objects. Templates, columns, borders and shading, and printing will be
discussed. An excellent overview of Word is covered in Module I and
II together.
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Word - Form, Merges, and Macros
Word, Module II
continues exploring the essential concepts of Word. Students will
learn to insert data from other applications, like text, pictures, and
objects. Templates, columns, borders and shading, and printing will be
discussed. An excellent overview of Word is covered in Module I and
II together.
(Return to List of Courses)
Word - Working with Long Documents
Word, Working with Long Documents
continues exploring the essential concepts of Word. Students will
learn to insert data from other applications, like text, pictures, and
objects. Templates, columns, borders and shading, and printing will be
discussed. An excellent overview of Word is covered in Module I and
II together.
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Computer Camp for Kids
Computer Camp for Kids focuses on
educational Internet usage, music, educational games, graphics, typing
and more... This class will be offered for three consecutive mornings or
afternoons in conjunction with other activities offered by the Yacht
Club. Let us help your kids who are looking for a little ________
(summer, winter, spring) vacation fun and education. Here's an
(Return to List of Courses)
Digital Imaging
Digital Imaging
is an up-to-date and exciting look at the world of Digital photography
and design. Everyone is getting a digital camera! The
benefits are instant preview and no development costs. Now the
question is "What can I do with the pictures?" Learn how
to get pictures from digital cameras and touch them up, change the
format for professional quality. Then learn how to email them,
insert them into a business brochure, or use them in a web page or your
desktop. How about those old pictures you have before you had a digital
camera? Learn how to scan them and use them as a digital
image. Come and get an overview of how to take advantage of this
exciting technology! We expect a large waiting list for these classes.